I am starting a brand new Qi gong class for total beginners in Lewes on Thursday 12th of September.
This is especially exciting for me as I have been running a mixed level class for some time, but have found it quite hard to teach complete beginners and those people that have been practicing Qi gong for a while, at the same time.
This is double exciting because I will be running both a beginners and intermediate class at the new Unity Centre in Lewes. They have taken over the old turkish baths in Lewes and done an amazing job in renovating the space into an amazing clinic and centre for yoga, qi gong, tai chi, meditation etc. You can view information on the centre here.
My beginners class is perfect for anyone who wishes to try Qi gong or Tai chi. We will be teaching several simple movements over a 6 week course and introducing all the basic principles to help people feel what all the fuss is about.
Qi gong and Tai chi share the same “technology,” and are slow, simple movements, performed in time with the breath and and observed with a fully present mind. It is this quiet concentration that enables the practitioner to release held tension in the body, making the movements softer and slower, giving it the characteristics of water. The mind becomes increasingly still and the nervous system correspondingly comes out of fight or flight and enters a self healing state. This is the Qi gong state often known as meditation in movement.
Class starts on Thursday 12th September at 5.45pm, the cost is £54 for a 6 week course. Please contact me directly to book a space on the course.
Hi Jeremy, i have just found you on a recommendation from Oscar Hewit (osteopath). It is too late to join your beginner class, so please could you let me know when you start the next course, or any drop-in classes suitable for a beginner. Many thanks. Claire
Hi, Jeremy – are you still doing a class at the Unity centre?