Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into different parts of the body in order to stimulate and regulate the bodies own wisdom and self healing ability.
In Classical Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is just one tool that we use to create change. Other tools we use include cupping, gua sha, (scraping) moxibustion (heat) and bleeding.
Other techniques we use are dietary and lifestyle advice to support and strengthen the effect of any treatment given or change those contributing factors that helped create the problem in the first place. Also in this category are Qi gong exercises, meditations and visualisations.
What does acupuncture help?
Over the last 17 years, Jeremy has seen thousands of people with hundreds of types of problems and conditions.
Most commonly people seek treatment for pain and discomfort. Typically a lot of musculoskeletal issues such as back pain, sciatica, neck pain, tennis elbow, knee pain, arthritis, and injuries.
People also present for acupuncture with systemic problems such as digestive problems, headaches, hay fever and allergies, common colds, sinusitis, ENT problems, recovery from illness, poor energy, tiredness, low immunity, menopausal problems, problems with the menstrual cycle, stress and anxiety, or sleep problems.
Acupuncture works consistently well for both of these types of problems, and if the problem is of a recent onset, it can also work quite quickly. If the problem is more entrenched, then often more time will be required to make a change.
Acupuncture treats mind & body
In Classical Chinese Medicine there is no separation between the mind and the body, so people also seek treatment for all kinds of emotional issues. Long term stress, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, overthinking, depression, fears, phobias and PTSD. These can all be understood and treated using acupuncture and its ancillary techniques.
The third area people seek treatment for are chronic degenerative diseases. These are problems that people have lived with for a number of years and are looking to manage symptoms and improve their capacity for living well. These include things such as arthritis, MS, ME, autoimmune problems, chronic pain, living with cancer, Parkinson’s, long standing fertility or menstrual issues, and chronic gut issues.
Classical Acupuncture
With Classical acupuncture we have a much more complete understanding of how the body mind holds and manages chronic dis-ease
We therefore have more choices to treat it. This boils down to two choices yin or yang. Are we building the resources of the body, restoring latency first, and releasing later or are we asking the body to clear and release that which is disrupting normal function straight away.
Depending on the severity of the problem, the vitality of the person and their willingness to change, it may be possible to greatly improve the chronic situations, or at the very least manage and maintain it well.
How Jeremy can help with acupuncture

In truth, Jeremy’s role as an acupuncturist is to help facilitate change. Often when people come for treatment with Jeremy there is the expectation that he is there to fix the problem and make it go away.
Often that is what happens, especially with problems of a recent onset. A few treatments and a few changes to dietary or lifestyle advice are all that are required to restore order.
But when people present with emotional problems or chronic systemic disorders the pathological process is much deeper and has taken much more time to manifest, so the process for resolution can also be much more complex. Here Jeremy’s job is to understand why the problem has arisen, communicate to you why this has happened and then facilitate change within the body mind through appropriate acupuncture treatments and life style advice.
There is a saying in Classical Chinese Medicine that “all diseases are rooted in the spirit.” This means that often the causes of illness are the inability to resolve emotions, beliefs, and trauma we have accumulated during our life time.
Even if this is not the case, often our emotional states are intimately linked with our illnesses and so if we change how we feel about ourselves we change our relationship with the dis-ease. This change occurs in the heart mind and is where true healing resides.
Classical Chinese Medicine is applied philosophy, and our destiny can often be intertwined with illness. In this model, illness can provide a stimulus for growth, change and evolution if that is what is required.
The heart must be free to achieve what we were born to do.
Jeremy Marshall
Find out more about Jeremy’s Seaford Acupuncture clinic here.
Jeremy also works at the Heeler centre in Hassocks, you can book online here.

“I recommend Jeremy without hesitation. He is kind, caring, compasionate and skillful. He is treating me for violent, sporadic face pain that I have been having for about 10 years. The pains stopped after my first treatment and I have had no occurences since my second. I have been pain free for three months which has not happened for some time. He is very professional practicioner. He is conscientious in his coronavirus precautions.”
P. Bexhill
“After 6 months the continual pain in my leg and spending hundreds of pounds on physiotherapy, compression stockings, creams etc. I went to see Jeremy. After just 2 sessions a week apart I am pain free. Make Jeremy your first point of call.”
S. Seaford
F. Burgess Hill“Acupuncture with Jeremy is much more than just having needles put in place. His level of knowledge, wisdom and compassion is outstanding and he is a true healer who works on the mind, body and spirit.
What an inspiration to find somebody who is living his life true passion and is dedicated to helping others.”
“I had tried every available treatment and diet over a two year period for a severe digestive issue. My symptoms were affecting my ability to function in every day life, making me unhappy and anxious. I really couldn’t understand how after just one appointment with Jeremy Marshall my symptoms improved drastically. After three further sessions I am completely back to normal.
C.W. Hassocks
His vast knowledge and quietly confident manner made it easy for me to trust his diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
I can’t thank him enough for helping me so much when all else had failed.”
A. Hassocks“I came to see Jeremy about my menopausal symptoms and already in two sessions my hot flushes and night sweats have reduced drastically and I’m able to get a good night’s sleep. The acupuncture is really helping me manage my menopause without having to resort to HRT”
Acupuncture for insomnia
“I contacted Jeremy due to a longstanding sleep problem. I have been inspired by his quiet confidence, skill and dedication towards helping me through his vast knowledge and experience of acupuncture. How grateful I am for his patience and encouragement. I would recommend Jeremy without hesitation.
5 Stars”
A.C. Seaford